Tuesday, June 30, 2009

The Holy Spirit

This week = Luke 4
Did you notice the mention of the Holy Spirit in this chapter? Spirit verses ‘sandwich’ the temptations of Jesus. Vs. 1 Jesus was “full of the Holy Spirit” when he was led “by the Spirit” into the wilderness/desert. Vs. 14 Jesus returns “filled with the Holy Spirit’s power”. When finding a place in Isaiah to read in the synagogue, he begins by quoting Isaiah 61:1, “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me”.

How about you? Did you remember that the power of God’s Spirit is within you? You can face temptation, live by the power of God, and carry out the Lord’s will today because you have His Spirit. This should be a great day.

Friday, June 26, 2009

My Personal Message

3:10-14. As the crowds begin to ask "What should we do?" John begins giving specific answers. Also notice that two specific groups (soldiers and tax collectors) ask him the same question. If we combine the answers, we are told to share food and clothing with the poor, don't cheat people, don't make false accusations, and be content. Hmmm. Interesting list. But notice that specific groups were given specific answers. In other words, what would happen if you had the opportunity to ask John the question, "What should I do?" What would John tell you?

What about you? What does God want from you? The more you read the Bible the clearer that answer becomes. Today, let's work on John's list of contentment, honesty, and sharing.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

The Son of God

Did you ignore the genealogy of chapter 3? It’s easy to do, isn’t it. Who wants to read a bunch of names? I think I’ll assign someone to read verses 23-38 in class Sunday :) The difference between Matthew’s genealogy and Luke’s is that Luke goes all the way back to Adam. Did you notice that Adam is the son of God? We know Jesus is the Son of God, right? But Adam is too. We are quick to understand mankind’s ‘fallen state’, his sinful nature. But we were made in God’s image. We are his children because we are human. In fact, the genealogy shows that Jesus by his very humanity is God’s son.

How about you? Do you dwell on your sin or on your sonship? It will make a difference in your day if you can see yourself as God sees you and not as you see yourself.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

You Bring Me Great Joy

I love the NLT in 3:22, "You are my dearly loved Son, and you bring me great joy." What I love even more is how God says the same thing to us. Doesn't He call us his children? Doesn't He repeatedly tell us of His great love for us? Doesn't He also tell us that He is pleased with us? Just because we don't always hear it doesn't mean that He isn't saying it. I did a Bible search on the word 'pleased' and was amazed.

How about you? You may not hear an audible voice from heaven or see a dove land on you (but remember the Spirit does live within you), but try to hear or read today that you are God's loved child and He finds great joy in you.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Prepare the Way

Luke 3:4 "Prepare the way for the Lord" Even though this was a prophecy concerning John, doesn't this concept apply to all of us? We daily prepare our hearts so that He can enter and change us. We are lights to the world that prepare others to be receptive to the good news (vs. 6 so all people will see).

How about you? Have you prepared your heart so God could speak to you today? Have you helped others see the Lord today? I want to follow Jesus and help others join in the adventure.

Monday, June 22, 2009


Luke 3:8 As we look at chapter 3 this week, I want to begin with verse 8. They had grown up with the ASSUMPTION that since they were Abraham's descendant they were already in a right relationship with God. John had to change their false confidence. John's desire was to change their hearts and their lives. It makes me wonder if I'm making false assumptions. What am I missing? I'm not saying, "Let's live in fear and guilt that we might be doing the wrong thing" but rather I want to open myself up this week and allow God to teach me whatever he wants me to learn. I want to grow.

How about you? Do you know everything? Do you have it all together? Why not stop and pray that God opens your eyes this week and teaches you things you never knew before. But be careful. It might change your life.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Misc. thoughts

Vs. 13-14 The emperor at the time of Jesus’ birth was Augustus who was praised for bringing ‘worldwide’ peace. How long did it last? While Augustus had choirs that would sing his praise, the angels sang the praises of Jesus who brought a peace that I am still enjoying today.
Vs. 42 Jesus was twelve which would have been one year before he officially became an adult Israelite and accepted responsibility for fulfilling the law (although bar mitzvah ceremony was not in existence yet, the practice seems to have already started). Perhaps the emphasis is that he was still considered a boy.
Our class last Sunday emphasized the ‘losing God’s Son’ part of the story. I liked Abby’s comment about Mary was not so much losing God’s Son as she was losing “my son”. While it was common for family and neighbors to travel together for safety and to watch out for everybody’s children, I never really thought about Joseph and Mary having younger children to watch. Jesus was the oldest and probably at times responsible for his brothers and sisters (Matt 13:55-56 James, Joseph, Simon, Judas, and sisters).

How about you? What do you see in God’s Word today?

Thursday, June 18, 2009


Vs. 50 “But they didn’t understand” That bothers me. For lack of understanding, Saul persecuted the church. For lack of understanding, the apostles deserted Jesus. For lack of understanding, they crucified Jesus. Do I lack understanding? Do I understand the “Father’s business” (49) in my life? I want to understand Jesus. I want to learn. I want to grow.

How about you? Are you searching/praying for understanding? May God give you a clear vision of your walk with him today.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Do not fear

2:10 “Do not be afraid” There is it again. Over and over, throughout the Bible, God’s message is one of peace and not fear. Today, I’d like to share with you other “Don’t be afraid” passages and the reasons listed with them.
Luke 1:13 Do not be afraid, your prayer has been heard
Joshua 1:9 Do not be afraid for the Lord your God is with you
Jeremiah 1:8 Do not be afraid… for I am with you to deliver you,
Daniel 10:12 Do not fear, Daniel, for from the first day that you set your heart to understand and humbled yourself before your God, your words have been heard, and I have come because of your words.

How about you? Can you put your fears aside today and live in the joy of the good news of Jesus? 2:10 “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy”

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The God of Peace

It seems to me that the emphasis of the announcement of the birth of Jesus is salvation. Jesus means ‘savior’. The emphasis from the actual birth is peace in chapter two (vs. 14). Salvation and peace should go together. Picture thousands (?) of angels crying out, “Glory to God in the highest, and peace on earth…” Even though war, conflict, and struggles would continue, Jesus brought the opportunity to have peace in your heart.

How about you? Have you found the peace that God brings? May you enjoy the presence of God in your life today and may it bring you peace.

Monday, June 15, 2009

The God of Surprises

2:13 uses the word “suddenly.” Can you imagine the shepherds surprise when the sky is filled with a multitude of angels? The word can actually be translated ‘army’ or ‘troops’. What a sight to see ‘thousands (?)’ of angels praising God. This was not an ordinary night for the shepherds.

How about you? What is the last ‘surprise’ that God has given you? Following Jesus / walking with God is a life full of good surprises.

Friday, June 12, 2009


Sunday in class and Monday via blog we will begin looking at Luke 2.

LUKE 1 - Misc. thoughts

1. Luke starts his gospel not with the birth of the Son of God but from the beginning of hearing God's voice again.
2. 1:19 Gabriel brings the gospel (good news). The noun form of the Greek word for good news is not found in the book of Luke. It is always found in its verb form (to bring good news). The good news is meant to be shared -- on the move.
3. 1:71,74 The enemies were not so much foreign invaders as spiritual darkness. Sometimes we are fighting the wrong enemy.
4. Notice the Holy Spirit. 1:15 (John filled with the Spirit), 1:35 (birth of Jesus), 1:41 (Elizabeth), 1:67 (Zechariah). In the words of Michael Wilcock, "Here, unmistakably, is another world breaking into this one." The next step will be the Spirit breaking into the world of our hearts.

How about you? Have you allowed the Spirit to take control of your life?

Have a blessed weekend.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Sending his son

Today's thought comes from my wife. What was it like for God to send his son to this earth from the perspective of separation? Our oldest son and his wife left today to return to Pennsylvania. It was hard to watch them leave knowing it will be several months before seeing them again. Twice a year is not enough. How did God feel about Jesus 'leaving' heaven (his home) and spending @33 years on this earth? It makes me think of John 3:16, "For God so loved the world that he gave his son..." This giving begins in Luke 1:35 with the planned birth.

How about you? Do you understand how much God loves you? Do you understand how much he has given you? Do you understand how much he has sacrificed for you? Live today in the love of God. Appreciate his gifts and sacrifices for you.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Answered Prayer

ANSWERED PRAYER. 1:13 "Don't be afraid, Zechariah! God has heard your prayer." Although the timing was not what Zechariah had hoped for, the answer was beyond his wildest dreams. Not only was he blessed with a son, he was blessed with a son who would prepare the way for God's greatest entrance on earth. When his son was born, "Awe fell upon the whole neighborhood, and the news of what had happened spread throughut the Judean hills." 1:65
How about you? What are you worrying about that God is saying, "Don't be afraid" Trust God -- be patient -- and watch how he will answer your prayers beyond your imagination. God is good. God is faithful. God is giving. Stand in awe!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Welcome to our journey in following Jesus through the book of Luke. We will look at one chapter per week. Please take a few minutes each day to help us learn about Jesus. Add your thoughts so we can all grow.

VS. 26-38. Who is Mary? What are her qualifications to become the mother of God? Why did God pick her? From these verses, it is obvious that Mary has a lot of faith. She takes God at His word. How about you? Do you believe God? Do you take Him at His word? God makes many promises to us and He fulfills them all. Vs. 45. "You are blessed because you believed that the Lord would do what He said." May you have a blessed day.